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2017年的夏天,懷著忐忑又期待的心,我啟程飛往英國 。       原以為只是當我堂妹的伴讀書僮,卻意外的開啟了嶄新的視野並成就了更好的自我。在這遙遠的海島國家,乘載了我許多難以忘懷的記憶,因此,在多年後的今天,我決定要好好地用文字回味那段過往。  圖為我堂妹開心的在國王十字車...

2011年12月27日 星期二

Facts on the Rain-forests

We people on the earth keep relying on the fresh oxygen released by the Rainforests. I have surfed the internet and found something important that we humans must keep reminding ourselves of. The most urgent thing is About 2,000 trees per minute are cut down in the Rainforests. Let's do everything we can to save them. I just want to experience the atmosphere of adventuring in the rainforest someday. Therefore, we people may be unable to watch the spectacular views and venturing the secret heaven there. I found an article about some facts on the Rainforests, which mentioned many interesting facts we have yet to learn or essential things we must be aware of. There are as follows:
  1. An area of a Rainforest the size of a football field, is being destroyed each second.
  2. Giant bamboo plants can grow up to 9 inches a day.
  3. 1 of the 4 ingredients in our medicine is Rainforest plants. 
  4. Bats are essential for pollinating many tropical foodstuffs, such as bananas and mangoes.
  5. 80% of the flowers in the Australian rainforests are not found anywhere else in the world.
  6. The forests of Central Africa are home to more than 8,000 species of plants.
  7. More than 2,000 different butterflies are found in the rainforests of South America.

2011年12月21日 星期三

The Before and The After

    I saw an interesting website that showed a funny picture about the innovation of the alphabet learning chart. It was amazing that I must believe the speed of society's variation was getting faster and faster. The alphabet kids learned two decades ago compared to now is very different due to steep technological advancement. The 3C products' influence remains more significant in today's world.

2011年12月14日 星期三

Fashion: Evolution of Clothing and Costumes of Ancient Egyptian

    I first met the culture of ancient Egypt in elementary school. I am fascinated by ancient culture since I have read a lot of novels or historical stories like that, especially the ANCIENT CHINESE & the ANCIENT EGYPT culture. My aunt is a history teacher and always took me to different exhibitions about history. I have attended a series of The four major ancient civilizations in my 19 years. Also, I went to the Exhibition of ancient Egypt and the Exhibition of a painting in ancient China called "Qingming Riverside." The image has a very long length, and you can observe the civilians' daily lives in the Sung Dynasty with the technological movement in the image. We could see the combination of technology and ancient culture. 

    Back to the topic, I will introduce some clothes in ancient Egypt. Egyptian people usually wore clothing made from white linen, though the wealthy minority could afford dye and other types of cloth like silk. Men and women are both known to wear eyeliner and eye shadow.

2011年12月7日 星期三

Interesting experience

    I have found something interesting recently! That's about the fantastic COFFEE MACHINES ~ There are many functions in the coffee machines. It can make coffee and cook simple foods, such as noodles, some materials in the Hop-pot, and dumplings! I never knew this product was so functional and helpful in our daily lives! 

    I tried this idea to boil water on a very dull afternoon.  And, my EXPERIMENT was very successful!  That is good news because I could save money to buy something else.  HA HA HA~  Today, my friend took her rice-flour noodles to my home to confirm what I said.  Then, the EXPERIMENT succeeded again.  We all had an excellent but CHEAP meal after that. Now, t was good to live outside rather than in the dorm because we could find many NEW AND FRESH things in our daily lives, although the price would be higher! 

2011年12月1日 星期四

10 Interesting Topics of Conversation for Every Occasion

Sometimes it is difficult to start a talk with strangers or foreigners because the chatting topic is very hard to find.   According to my own experience, I can just say "Hello!'', "How have you been?" or "What's up?" when I come across a foreigner, even though I have learned many such kinds of words used in greetings.  Now, I found something interesting on the internet, which taught us some tips to keep the talking topic interesting or stay longer.  Here are some essential things that this website taught me: 

"Don't think you have to be controversial and go for risky topics like politics and religion; you don't. In fact, to do so would be a mistake.
Whatever topic you choose should make people relaxed and happy to talk; controversial subjects don't do that. Think instead about what all people share: families, hopes, dreams, experiences, etc.
Here are a few interesting topics of conversation to get you started:
1. Who is the most exciting person you ever met? You can see how this would quickly lead people to voice opinions and ask 'why?'.
2. Where in the world would you most like to visit? This dream location may be shared by others, so it makes people feel solidarity, but also, people will also be itching to ask 'why?' and keep the conversation flowing.
3. What has been the most life-changing experience you've ever had? Here, people can share funny and touching stories if they want to, which will help you better understand them. Likewise, if people don't feel relaxed enough to give a heartfelt reply, they can answer funnily, and it all adds to the conversation.
4. What is the most random thing you've ever done? That opens the door to all sorts of funny and romantic stories.
5. Who's had the biggest influence on your life? Because this person has influenced the person you're asking, they must view them positively and have strong ideas about them. That means they're likely to enjoy talking about them.
6. What thing that you haven't yet done would you most like to do? This kind of inspirational question always gets people talking and everyone's usually happy to chip in with comments about people's hopes and wishes. Just be careful when commenting that you don't rain on their parade. It's their right to have whatever hopes they want.
7. What is the best quality you've inherited from either of your parents? This is particularly interesting at a family gathering when people know the parents you're talking about. It's also a bit of a bonding experience, speaking favorably about your parents.
8. From which person have you learned the most in your life? This is another uplifting, positive topic of conversation that usually gets people talking.
9. What historical figure do you most identify with? This lets you know something about the other people around you; it also opens up discussion of the events these historical figures were involved in. Yes, potentially, it takes you into dangerous waters of politics and religion, but people usually take this question in the spirit of fun in which it's meant, so potentially awkward moments are easily averted.
10. What kind of music do you like? You could then talk about CDs you've bought or gigs you've been to. You might even ask - 'what's the most embarrassing album in your collection?' That's usually met with general hilarity! "

After reading this article, I realized that there were still many questions or topics that could make the chat more and more enjoyable.  As for my thoughts, I think that I am NOT a very humorous person.  I am always SERIOUS about many topics, so I always did not laugh even though my friends were talking jokes.  And, if I did not laugh, they would think that I was NOT interested in this topic, then it would be very hard to keep a talk for a long time.  So, I learned a lot after I read this article.  Although I could still be very BORED, I think I would improve my sense of humor.

2011年11月24日 星期四

The movie EXAM

    I saw a movie called EXAM today. It was formed by a particular material--examination. This film was about Eight talented candidates who have reached the final stage of selection to join the ranks of a mysterious and powerful corporation. The most impressive scene for me was that the "BROWN" threatened the "DARK" in many horrible ways (almost using the paper to scratch her eye). After a long, the candidates began to uncover each other's backgrounds, prejudices, and hidden agendas. Tensions rose as the clock steadily descended toward zero, and candidates must decide how far they were willing to go to secure the ultimate job. I did NOT finish this film because we were running out of time! I want to see the subsequent plot development because I am curious about it.

    Also, I surfed the internet to find some related information about this film, and I found information that said that "Exam was a GEM of a film." This was really an excellent film! This low-budget psychological thriller was very clever and incredibly entertaining, and the production values were all far better than you would expect from such an unknown film.


2011年11月16日 星期三

The Speech of Arctic Soil

    I attended the speech thrown by the science department today. The address was really excellent! The speaker taught us about the PERMAFROST at first and told us about how fast the melting speed was in the Arctic area. The cause of this problem was really related to our lifestyles. If we kept releasing much CO2 into the air, the Arctic Ice would melt as soon as possible. That would make the Arctic bears have no place to live and extinct very soon. This part of the speech was sad for everyone, and the speaker wanted to ensure we protect our environment carefully.

    In the second part of the speech, the speaker shared some exciting events when he took an educational journey with some of his students to the Arctic Circle. He told us that there were many mosquitoes, so they only got 3 minutes to clean up. He also shared many photos of this beautiful trip. Although the travel appealed to me, I still had to think that if I wanted to go there someday, I should conquer the weather and the temperature difference first ~ On The hottest day, there was only 10 Celsius degree!! SOOOO COLD!!!! It was so amazing because I love to adventure, too.                  

The movie "Hip-hop Craze"

    I saw a great movie with my friend today. It was about the people who had dreams of HIP-HOP DANCE. The main character in the film is a 34-year-old man. Although many people thought that he was too old to dance for him, he still never gave up his dream----to win the national HIP-HOP dance competition in France. Also, he used his money to support the campaign of hip-hop dance. I really respected him well because he spent most of his time teaching children who had domestic violence shadow before and also spent lots of money to let the spirit of Hip-hop leave forever.

    But, in this film, he also had many financial problems. Dancing was his interest, but he still had to receive some cases to live his life. I thought that dreams were IMPORTANT, but we people should face the music sometimes, not just always daydreaming!!

2011年11月2日 星期三

About Singapore's accents

I saw something interesting on Facebook posted by seniors. It was talking about the accents translation.

I REALLY love those kinds of unique accents, such as Indian or Singapore. Thanks to the linguistics courses, I have learned a lot of funny accents.
Also, I found that many accents vary in different areas in Taiwan. I am from Taichung, so the people who are not from Taichung would say that I have a STRONG Taichung accent. I thought that this was cool! I love my accent ~

This course may be boring to others, but I am enjoying the linguistic class!! Although I could improve at linguistics, I still want the style! The learning environment is good, the teacher--- Mrs. Chang, is friendly, and linguistics is fun.

The video clip is about the Singapore accent.
HA! HA! HA! It was fascinating.

2011年10月12日 星期三

The Spanish alphabet song ^_^

This song is my favorite song to learn Spanish.
Our Spanish teacher had shown this video clip in class before.
It makes me remember the alphabet quickly.
I really love this song because I like the Latin-style rhythm!!  It makes me feel passionate and positive~
a  be  ce  che che che  de  e  efe  ge hache  i  jota  ca  ele  elle  eme  ene  eñe eñe  eñe eñe eñe  o  pe  qu ere  ese  te  u  uve  uve double  equis   i griega i griega  ceta......

2011年9月22日 星期四

Get Together

WOW!!! We went to Jo-Cheng to have hot pots together last night. It was really cool !!! I have met lots of underclassmen there. We got together and chatted happily during this meal. They were all lovely people!! I thought this activity was very successful, and everyone had unforgettable memories there. This day was really meaningful for me.

JA!JA!JA! Gracias~