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2017年的夏天,懷著忐忑又期待的心,我啟程飛往英國 。       原以為只是當我堂妹的伴讀書僮,卻意外的開啟了嶄新的視野並成就了更好的自我。在這遙遠的海島國家,乘載了我許多難以忘懷的記憶,因此,在多年後的今天,我決定要好好地用文字回味那段過往。  圖為我堂妹開心的在國王十字車...

2011年11月2日 星期三

About Singapore's accents

I saw something interesting on Facebook posted by seniors. It was talking about the accents translation.

I REALLY love those kinds of unique accents, such as Indian or Singapore. Thanks to the linguistics courses, I have learned a lot of funny accents.
Also, I found that many accents vary in different areas in Taiwan. I am from Taichung, so the people who are not from Taichung would say that I have a STRONG Taichung accent. I thought that this was cool! I love my accent ~

This course may be boring to others, but I am enjoying the linguistic class!! Although I could improve at linguistics, I still want the style! The learning environment is good, the teacher--- Mrs. Chang, is friendly, and linguistics is fun.

The video clip is about the Singapore accent.
HA! HA! HA! It was fascinating.

