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2017年的夏天,懷著忐忑又期待的心,我啟程飛往英國 。       原以為只是當我堂妹的伴讀書僮,卻意外的開啟了嶄新的視野並成就了更好的自我。在這遙遠的海島國家,乘載了我許多難以忘懷的記憶,因此,在多年後的今天,我決定要好好地用文字回味那段過往。  圖為我堂妹開心的在國王十字車...

2011年12月21日 星期三

The Before and The After

    I saw an interesting website that showed a funny picture about the innovation of the alphabet learning chart. It was amazing that I must believe the speed of society's variation was getting faster and faster. The alphabet kids learned two decades ago compared to now is very different due to steep technological advancement. The 3C products' influence remains more significant in today's world.

