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2017年的夏天,懷著忐忑又期待的心,我啟程飛往英國 。       原以為只是當我堂妹的伴讀書僮,卻意外的開啟了嶄新的視野並成就了更好的自我。在這遙遠的海島國家,乘載了我許多難以忘懷的記憶,因此,在多年後的今天,我決定要好好地用文字回味那段過往。  圖為我堂妹開心的在國王十字車...

2012年3月29日 星期四

Vespa basalis

     I have heard many news reports that the vespa basalises attacked people in the mountain areas and how dangerous they were, although they might not attack people actively. I have heard that three vespa basalis appeared in Olivia and Tim's offices. Olivia said that the bees would be blown by the unusually strong wind. It was so horrible that this kind of insect would be around us! I felt so scared, and worried that the bees would be blown to somewhere nearby me. 
     Although I like to close the nature, I still would not be too close to them because I must to consider the risk. To me, we should respect the nature and protect the habitats of the creatures in the nature, but we must also understand to protect ourselves and to consider the risk of touching them.

2012年3月22日 星期四

Abrams: 7 ways to go green in your small business

I have read a news on the USA today before, and it was about how the small businesses can be more greener. That would make them reduce the waste of the energy ,and make more profits.

There are 7 good ways to make the companies greener that are as follows:

  1. Go after waste aggressively: Examine every aspect of your business to be more efficient, use fewer resources, and cut waste.

  2. Reduce commutes: The biggest energy consumption comes before anyone even arrives at the office, so the boss could let the employees to go to work by bikes or take buses…etc.

  3. Reduce "vampire" energy drain: Turn equipment fully off before you leave every night.

  4. Bring lunch: Make it easy for yourself and employees to eat at work instead of driving to a nearby restaurant or fast-food outlet.

  5. Go to the cloud: Internet-based rather than on-premise software applications can be green.

  6. Use environmentally friendly products: Choose recycled and nontoxic products whenever possible.

  7. Buy a hybrid or electric car or truck: Make energy efficiency a priority, and the gasoline is cheaper than other trucks.

According to this article, it is the trend to be greener for some small businesses, and not just keep pursuing profits anymore. The businesses also care about fame and environments in today's world. It's wise to It'sreen in the business regardless of the political or environmental philosophy because that could win a lot of respect and support and a good reputation. Therefore, going greener is an excellent strategy for running a business.

2012年3月15日 星期四

Weird food in Laos

     I love to watch travel programs on TV. This time, the host went to a country in Southeast Asia called Laos. In the TV show, the host had to try many kinds of strange food that the people there often takes as delicacies or delicious desserts. The most impressive thing the locals introduced was a kind of sauce called "Bullshit Sauce."  

     Many foreigners (including me) would feel disgusting to eat dishes made with poo, but the locals always use the bullshit to make a sauce to dip! The traditional supermarket in Laos also had a lot of weird products, such as fried cockroaches, fried scarabs..., and so on. Although many people don't want to touch these kinds of foods, the foods still are delicious dishes in many Laotian's minds, just like stinky tofu. To me, stinky tofu is a very delightful dessert in Taiwan.


2012年3月6日 星期二

The exponent of the beasts---Irene

      I have been crazy about Japanese animation since junior high school.  I do not reduce my passion for watching cartoons, although I am already an "adult." Reading comic books or watching cartoons are not childish behaviors because there are still a lot of animations that are very meaningful or just appropriate for adults.  I'd like to introduce an energy which I finished recently. 

     The story is about a girl named Irene making a lot of effort to let the environment between the human race and beasts (in the series called KING BEAST & FIGHTING SNAKES) stay peaceful.  This animation is really a good one that makes us think about animals and wars.                                       

 This animation was translated from a famous novel.