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2017年的夏天,懷著忐忑又期待的心,我啟程飛往英國 。       原以為只是當我堂妹的伴讀書僮,卻意外的開啟了嶄新的視野並成就了更好的自我。在這遙遠的海島國家,乘載了我許多難以忘懷的記憶,因此,在多年後的今天,我決定要好好地用文字回味那段過往。  圖為我堂妹開心的在國王十字車...

2012年1月3日 星期二

Quillpad : Write in your own language

    I found an attractive website recently, a free online typing tool. You can write in 10 Indian languages, including Hindi, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, etc., with its online editor. For example, type 'aap kaise hain' in the Quillpad editor, and it will convert it directly into the Devanagari script. Although I could NOT write or read any Indian words, I still try to use this website to learn some functional Indian languages because this website was recommended by one of my friends from India before. My friend and I knew each other only through a social website called "OMEGLE."  

    When I was in high school, many of my classmates loved to use this website because they could chat with different kinds of foreigners online. Although I didn't like to make friends online, I still felt happy to meet this good friend. Now, we still always use emails to send something interesting together. It's fun!
Quillpad Website)